Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Special Thanks from Al-Mishkat Institute

Assalamu Alaykom,

On behalf of Al Mishkat Institute, I would like to thank the ISCJ community for having us with Sh. Ninowy.

"Love Takes Time" was a successful event, Alhamdulillah, and we were impressed with the numbers.

In addition, please let us know of any feedback/improvements that we can use which was passed to you by the community and the board.

Another special thanks is to the ISCJ Youth committee who were exceptional in assistance and in spreading the word.

Please pass our message to our brothers and sisters in ISCJ Board and Youth committee.

Jazakum Allah kher all,


Ghuydar Bashmaf

Al Mishkat Staff

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please give us your feedback - What should be the next ISCJ Youth event?