Saturday, February 14, 2009

Love Takes Time Keynotes


A lecture by Shaykh Muhammad Ninowy

Venue: ISCJ, February 13, 2009


Love is a human experience that touches the heart of every human being.

People either love themselves by fulfilling their own desires, or they love others

Two Important Components in Life:

1. sustenance- provision à the best of provision is taqwa of Allah

2. companion – a good husband/wife

A companion in life is a good spouse, husband and wife are trusts for each other.

We control everything by mathematics…”My spouse must have 1, 2, 3”….everything is based on a calculation yet the spiritual dimension is absent

The word “love” is the most abused word in the world; it is limited and subjugated to so many different meanings.

For example, Love for Rasul (saw) – Do we prioritize hi sunnah over our sunnah or do we prioritize over what he says?

Some people reduce love to external beauty so that a person becomes obsessed with the external image. When falling in love, we tend to become a slave of this state in the beginning….remember that beauty will eventually fade

Others are enslaved to social status, education and wealth. At the end we are all children of Adam (as)

Marriage is NOT the goal – it is a MEANS to a goal which is to get closer to Allah (swt)

Objective is to please the Creator in the marriage & to perform worship with correct niyah

What do we look for in a spouse?

Deen and morality of an individual & their upbringing

The best amongst you is one who is most pious. Taqwa is found in the heart, in cannot be calculated and nobody knows one’s true piety except Allah (swt)

Three Things We Should Treasure:

1. a heart thankful to Allah

2. a tongue that does dhikr of Allah

3. a spouse who is pious- helping to be successful in the akhira

Quran states in a meaning, if there is an ugly slave and a beautiful woman, marry the first if she is a believer over the second.

A spouse is your garment- gives you comfort, protection, warmth

A spouse is your home – The one who is happy is the one who is happy at home even if the rest of the world is against you. It is your comfort zone.

Smile at your spouse à it is a sign of sadaqa, Prophet (s) was always seen smiling

Marriage is what you put into it – that is what you reap.

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