Saturday, February 14, 2009

Recap - Love Takes Time

MashAllah, it was a great event. Shaykh M. Ninowy gave a great lecture and he handled many questions after his speech. There were around 300 to 400 people and ISCJ was packed. I will ask individuals to share their thoughts on "Love Takes Time".

Special Thanks to:

- Social Activities Committee (ISCJ) - for providing snacks and tea for the event and all the logistical support (esp. Br. Akm, Dilawar, Zubair, Sr. Azra.

- Br. Arif Patel, Wajed Syed, Ali Mobarak.

- ISCJ Youth - esp. Kholoud, Mona, Adnan, Housien, Abdullah, Saadia, Anum, Sohaib, Ahmed, Ismaeel, Youssef, and many others.

- Al-Mishkat Institute and Al-Medina Institute for sharing their resources with ISCJ Youth. Special thanks to Br. Ghuydar and Anwar for their tireless effort in promoting the program.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


please give us your feedback - What should be the next ISCJ Youth event?