Sunday, May 3, 2009

Islam in America - Planting a Good Tree

((( audio )))

Planting a Good Tree:
A message to the MSA youth (and the elderly) on Islam in America

By Faraz Khan

"Have you not considered how Allah sets forth a
parable of a good word (being) like a good tree, whose root is firm and whose branches are in heaven, its fruit in every season by the permission of its Lord? And Allah sets forth parables for men that they may be mindful.

And the parable of an evil word is as an evil tree pulled up from the earth's surface; it has no stability.

Allah confirms those who believe with the sure word in this world's life and in the hereafter, and Allah causes the unjust to go astray, and Allah does what He pleases." (Koran 14:24-27)

Good Tree & Bad Tree parable

- The Story of a Farmer and a Gardener
- Universal approach to Islam as opposed to tribalism
- Articulating Islam with an American identity
- Changing the discourse, from self indulgence to service
- Producing Muslim culture rather than consuming pop culture
- Changing disenfranchised culture for youth & women in mosques


Anonymous said...

What do you mean by "disenfranchised culture for youth and women"?

Anonymous said...

mashallah, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

please give us your feedback - What should be the next ISCJ Youth event?