Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jeopardy Reviews

Let me know what you Loved, hated, found interesting. What did you expect and were your expectations met? What you thought of the questions, etc.


Rutgers University student (NUI alumnus):

I loved that fact that the students of Noor-Ul-Iman came to an event that they felt really comfortable in. I really believe that it's important that we start teaching children that they are integral parts of the community regardless of what any uncle/'amoo may say. From the type of event that it was--engaging on so many levels, children will feel comfortable setting foot in the masjid.

At times i felt that it got too loud, and the room was just a big mess. It got really crowded at points. I think that some rules/etiquettes should be gone over before the game.

I thought the questions were very age-appropriate. Maybe the next game could be a follow-up to an engaging lecture/Islamic History seminar of some sort. So that kids can feel obligated to attend the lecture to rack up the points/prepare for the next jeopardy game.

Those are my two cents!

ISCJ Youth:

I really thought the jeopardy worked out really nice. I did come towards the end but from what i saw it was a great success.

Noor-Ul-Iman School Teacher:

I thought Friday night Jeopardy at ISCJ was a time well spent with both the adults and students. Everyone seemed to have a fun time in the masjid playing and answering some challenging questions. I enjoyed and would suggest having more events like this where the community gets together. I definitely came out learning some interesting Islamic facts that I didn't know before. The best part of the game was the realistic Jeopardy game board and the candy. So, when's the next game?!

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please give us your feedback - What should be the next ISCJ Youth event?