Monday, September 1, 2008

Youth Coordinator

More about ISCJ Youth Coordinator:
Faraz Khan has taught Islamic Studies and Quranic Studies at Noor-Ul-Iman School for four years. He served as an Assistant Scout Master for Troop #114. He received his Ijaza in tajweed in Hafs recitation. Thereafter he went to Damascus for further studies in Qira'at (Warsh and Qaloon) and studied Arabic and received certification at the University of Damascus in 2002. In the US, he studied the classical texts under the tutelage of different notable scholars.

He earned his B.A. in Environmental Geology at Rutgers University and currently he works as a professional wetland scientist. Last year he has served as a Muslim chaplain and Imam at Rutgers University, New Brunswick. He also serves as an advisor to Muslim Student Associations at Rutgers and Princeton Universities.

His Current work in the field of Islamic Studies and liberal arts along with his recitation of the Quran is available online at

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please give us your feedback - What should be the next ISCJ Youth event?