Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Eid Mubarak!


By Faraz Khan

“Laa ilaha illallah”. The azan echoed inside the dimly lit mosque. It is nine o’ clock in the evening. The vacant parking lot was enshrouded in darkness. However, the beech and the birch trees around the lot and the critters within the herbaceous edge continued their hymns. The clouds and the birds hovered in the usual glorified manner above the mosque. The cool breeze at night spread the heavenly scent from the blossomed lilies as the twinkling stars and crescent glistened the night.

It was only yesterday when the mosque was filled with worshippers and the beautiful recitation of the Qur’an. How passionately faithful were their gatherings. How elegant were their clothes. How beautiful their smiles. How praiseworthy was their talk. How sincere was their devotion in coming to the mosque. Yet today, people have vacated the house of God rather to be occupied by their own cottages. Aforementioned is the description of believers on the first night after Ramadan.

Why do we fail in preserving the blessings of Ramadan?

Do we forget that the Lord of Ramadan is also the Lord of the entire year? Or are we in doubt that He gives and forgives not only in Ramadan but also the rest of the year. Interestingly, He mentioned for the believers:

“O you who believe, fasting has been prescribed to you (in Ramadan) as it was prescribed to those before you so that you may become pious” Quran.

According to the above ayah, attaining taqwa (piety) has an element of time. In other words, one can become pious if he continues his good actions throughout his life. Clearly, there is no month prescribed for the practice of piety.

In essence, the end of Ramadan is not a graduation party for the believers. Instead, it is a completion of God-consciousness training. However, the real test begins once Ramadan is over. One of the scholars was asked about the acceptance of good deeds in the month of Ramadan. The scholar mentioned that the acceptance of one’s actions are indicated in his behavior following Ramadan. If Ramadan leads to a virtuous life then Allah has blessed this endeavor. Similarly, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) mentioned in a rhetorical question, “How many of those who fast gain nothing from their fasting except hunger and thirst?”

Soon it will be nine o’ clock again and the azan will be given. Thereafter, people will be put to their real test – whether to accept the house of God or a house devoid of God.

Let us examine our lives and our Ramadan postscript. Let us follow our lives according to Islam and not contradict it. Let us continue with the blessings of Ramadan in developing a pure relationship with Allah, the Lord of the sacred house. Let us not stop when we are on His path. May He guides us to the straight path.

Ramadan at ISCJ

Imam Chebli explaining salatal tasabih in his usual candid way.

Sohaib Sultan speaking - Hisham, Ahmer, Shomail listening.

Khalid Latif at ISCJ Youth I'tikaf on Ramadan 20, 1429

Saturday, September 27, 2008

recording of Youth I'tikaf lectures


September 22, 2008
Islamic Society of Central Jersey

special thanks to Rabia M. for recording and uploading these lectures.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

More on i'tikaf

ISCJ - Night of Remembrance
Photo: Mobasshir P.

Midnight zikr - 99 Names of Allah

Quran Quiz was a lot of fun. It was candy shower. Most people got the answers to the quiz questions and were very upbeat 3:00 am!

I thought all of the speakers did a great job. Br. Saffet's workout and Ramadan analogy was great. Br. Khalid's talk on Muslim identity was right on target. Br. Sohaib's speech on "Remembering Allah amidst chaos and confusion" was well received. The 99 Names of Allah and recitation of the Quran led by Br. Sami was very motivation and spiritually awakening. And not to forget, Br. Hisham Mahmoud's talk on spiritual dimensions of the fast was superb. I loved the linguistic approach in explaining the meaning of Saum and Ramadan. Imam Chebli and young hafiz's recitation and salatal tasabih gave strength to the overall program last night.

Here, I would like to show my deep appreciation for all of the youth who worked really hard to organize this event. There was not a single bad incident. There were over 100 people and everything was organized - alhamdo lillah. Also, special thanks to the ISCJ Social Activities Committee; they were the backbone of the program. Much thanks and appreciation to all of the sisters who helped organize this event. Br. Saffet mentioned it correctly they stand by the pillars "because they are the pillars of our community".

May Allah accepts our good actions and dua's.

Faraz Khan

Monday, September 15, 2008

ISCJ Youth at Elijah's Soup Kitchen

ISCJ Youth Making A Difference

Friday, September 12, 2008

Volunteer Hours: 3

Place: Elijah's Promise Soup Kitchen, New Brunswick, NJ

sponsor: Muslim Against Hunger

Volunteers (sp?):

Mubasshir P.
Osman T.
Omer T.
Omar S.
Taha E.
Ahmed N.
Housien S.

If you would like to be involved in ISCJ Youth or would like to volunteer for community service projects please write in comments section below or send us an email - iscj youth @ gmail .com

Friday, September 5, 2008

Night of Remembrance at ISCJ

Ross has announced the Youth I'tikaf program at today's jumuah. Here's the upcoming (tentative) program on Friday, Sep. 19, 2008.

InshAllah i'tikaf or "Night of Remembrance" on will be on Friday night/ Saturday morning at ISCJ. The tentative program inshAllah will include the following speakers:

Khalid Latif (Chaplain New York University)
Sohaib Sultan (Chaplain Princeton University)

Saffet Catovic (teacher, Noor-Ul-Iman School)
Helmi Saud (ISCJ Board member)
Faraz Khan (ISCJ Youth Coordinator)

The Program will begin after ISCJ Tarawih
What to EXPECT?
*Quran reading
*Salatul tasabih prayer led by Imam Chebli
*Tahajjud Prayer
*Qur'an Quiz Competition
*Fajr prayer (conclusion of the Program)

***Age group 12 and above (Students under 18 must be accompanied by their parents - No exception allowed)
***Students who are unable to pray should not attend i'tikaf.

Elijah Soup Kitchen

Community Service Project

ISCJ Youth volunteers will be joining Muslims Against Hunger in serving food at Elijah Soup Kitchen in New Brunswick, NJ.

Please email iscj youth @ gmail .com for more info or contact Faraz Khan.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Youth Coordinator

More about ISCJ Youth Coordinator:
Faraz Khan has taught Islamic Studies and Quranic Studies at Noor-Ul-Iman School for four years. He served as an Assistant Scout Master for Troop #114. He received his Ijaza in tajweed in Hafs recitation. Thereafter he went to Damascus for further studies in Qira'at (Warsh and Qaloon) and studied Arabic and received certification at the University of Damascus in 2002. In the US, he studied the classical texts under the tutelage of different notable scholars.

He earned his B.A. in Environmental Geology at Rutgers University and currently he works as a professional wetland scientist. Last year he has served as a Muslim chaplain and Imam at Rutgers University, New Brunswick. He also serves as an advisor to Muslim Student Associations at Rutgers and Princeton Universities.

His Current work in the field of Islamic Studies and liberal arts along with his recitation of the Quran is available online at http://liberalartsforum.blogspot.com/

please give us your feedback - What should be the next ISCJ Youth event?