Monday, December 29, 2008

tune in this Tuesday 4 Live Hajj Webcast at 8:30 pm

Salam Alaikum:

InshAllah tomorrow (Tuesday) at 8:30 pm I will be talking about my Hajj experience with The Tri-State Muslim. Please join me on a Live interactive Webcast at 8:30 pm.

"Al-hamdo lillah, it was a very inspiring journey. I felt that Hajj brought me closer to God. It was such a wonderful experience to see Muslims from the entire planet assemble in one place to worship One Lord. There is unity, peace, and servitude to God in Hajj like no place in the world".Faraz Khan

join in Tuesday 8:30 pm

for more articles & audios by Faraz Khan

News | Events | Jobs | and more! December 22, 2008

You have heard Hajj described by others and perhaps experienced it yourself. Join Faraz Khan for a live online interactive Hajj discussion that would bring you first hand experience of the sacred journey.

Topic: An American Hajj Experience
Host: Salaudeen Nausrudeen
When: Tues., Dec. 30th 2008 at 8:30 pm
Price: FREE!!!
Format: Discussion about Hajj 2008 from an American Muslim who went to hajj for the first time. It is an interactive live online discussion where viewers like you can send comments or questions.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Islamic Jeopardy at ISCJ!

Win Prizes!

Sharpen your Islamic Knowledge.

InshAllah, there will be a youth/parents Islamic Jeopardy contest (ages 12 and up) at ISCJ. Please follow up on the blog for more information about the program.

If you would like to volunteer, please send me an email:
iscj youth @ gmail .com

Friday, December 19, 2008

ISCJ Fund Raising Event

ISCJ Invites you and your family to
2008 Annual Fund Raising Event
for the Expansion Project
"Honor the Religion, Realize the Vision"

When: Saturday December 20, 2008, 5:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Where: Busch Campus Center, Rutgers University
604 Bartholomew Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854

Confirmed Speakers:
Dr. Ahmed Sakr, Educator & Author
Shaik Jawad Ahmad, Al Ghazali

Imam Hamad Chebli
, Imam ISCJ

Childrens Entertainment and Silent Auction!!!
Please join us in this effort to make this event a successful one.
ISCJ Expansion Funding Group

Friday, November 14, 2008

Muslim By Choice Program

Please join us for
a special presentation by
Imam Omar Saleem Abu Namous
Spirit of Islam: A Universal Message for Mankind
Special Guests:
Imam Hamad Chebli
Dr Nabil Marshood
Saturday, November 15, 2008
6:30-8:00 PM
Islamic Society of Central Jersey
4145 Route 1 South
Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852
Program will begin promptly at 6:30
Refreshments will be served
Presented by the Religious Committee and MBC of ISCJ
For directions or information please contact us at (732) 329-6995 or visit the website at

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

After Clean up & Re-mulching of the playground

Simply Beautiful!

Thanks to all those who helped out on Saturday, Nov. 1st. There were around 40 people if not more. Within four hours the mosque and the playground were looking much cleaner. For those who missed out, there will be another clean up as we start "Masjid Clean up Campaign" encouraging the community to keep the mosque clean all the time.


Masjid Clean up & re-mulching - ISCJ/NUI Community

Volunteers in Action - During re-mulching of playground on Nov. 1st. - kudos to all those who helped out.

NUI Clean Up - Nov. 1

10:00 am Sunny Day - Nov. 1st:
Mulch Piles Before Volunteers took their shovels
Mulch piles were placed in front of the playground. In the next few hours volunteers from NUI, Weekend Schools, and

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Reviving our Mosque - Clean up is on Nov. 1st,

InshAllah we are encouraging all the mosque loving Muslims (youth and adults) to take part in reviving our mosque by helping to clean this Saturday, Nov. 1st, from 10 am to 2pm. We will also put mulch in the playground (see pictures below). There is A LOT of WORK and we need MANY HANDS and tools!!!
Please try to bring a friend or family member to help us clean our mosque.

Following is a list of tools/cleaning supplies needed for this Saturday:

Rakes Shovels Wheelbarrows Buckets (label your name) Paper towels Rags(for table cleaning/drying) Dishwasher gloves (inside/outside cleaning).

FOOD ARRANGEMENTS: Pizza will be available on Saturday during the clean up only if you registered online (we need to count the no. of pies needed). The price is $3.00 per person for two slices of pizza and a soda.

Please put your name in comment section to indicate if you can make it for the clean up - jazak Allah khair!

* Community Service Club, NUI, ISCJ Youth, Weekend Schools *

Faraz Khan

Your Masjid Needs You!

MASJID CLEANUP - iscj needs you!
NOVEMBER 1ST, 10:00 AM TO 2:00 PM

Saturday, October 18, 2008



There will be a masjid cleanup at 10:00 am on Nov. 1, 2008 (tentative date). Cleaning supplies will be provided. We will clean inside and outside of ISCJ. Please bring your brooms to rake the leaves - wear gloves and boots.

post comments if you have any suggestions/questions below.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Eid Mubarak!


By Faraz Khan

“Laa ilaha illallah”. The azan echoed inside the dimly lit mosque. It is nine o’ clock in the evening. The vacant parking lot was enshrouded in darkness. However, the beech and the birch trees around the lot and the critters within the herbaceous edge continued their hymns. The clouds and the birds hovered in the usual glorified manner above the mosque. The cool breeze at night spread the heavenly scent from the blossomed lilies as the twinkling stars and crescent glistened the night.

It was only yesterday when the mosque was filled with worshippers and the beautiful recitation of the Qur’an. How passionately faithful were their gatherings. How elegant were their clothes. How beautiful their smiles. How praiseworthy was their talk. How sincere was their devotion in coming to the mosque. Yet today, people have vacated the house of God rather to be occupied by their own cottages. Aforementioned is the description of believers on the first night after Ramadan.

Why do we fail in preserving the blessings of Ramadan?

Do we forget that the Lord of Ramadan is also the Lord of the entire year? Or are we in doubt that He gives and forgives not only in Ramadan but also the rest of the year. Interestingly, He mentioned for the believers:

“O you who believe, fasting has been prescribed to you (in Ramadan) as it was prescribed to those before you so that you may become pious” Quran.

According to the above ayah, attaining taqwa (piety) has an element of time. In other words, one can become pious if he continues his good actions throughout his life. Clearly, there is no month prescribed for the practice of piety.

In essence, the end of Ramadan is not a graduation party for the believers. Instead, it is a completion of God-consciousness training. However, the real test begins once Ramadan is over. One of the scholars was asked about the acceptance of good deeds in the month of Ramadan. The scholar mentioned that the acceptance of one’s actions are indicated in his behavior following Ramadan. If Ramadan leads to a virtuous life then Allah has blessed this endeavor. Similarly, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) mentioned in a rhetorical question, “How many of those who fast gain nothing from their fasting except hunger and thirst?”

Soon it will be nine o’ clock again and the azan will be given. Thereafter, people will be put to their real test – whether to accept the house of God or a house devoid of God.

Let us examine our lives and our Ramadan postscript. Let us follow our lives according to Islam and not contradict it. Let us continue with the blessings of Ramadan in developing a pure relationship with Allah, the Lord of the sacred house. Let us not stop when we are on His path. May He guides us to the straight path.

Ramadan at ISCJ

Imam Chebli explaining salatal tasabih in his usual candid way.

Sohaib Sultan speaking - Hisham, Ahmer, Shomail listening.

Khalid Latif at ISCJ Youth I'tikaf on Ramadan 20, 1429

Saturday, September 27, 2008

recording of Youth I'tikaf lectures


September 22, 2008
Islamic Society of Central Jersey

special thanks to Rabia M. for recording and uploading these lectures.

please give us your feedback - What should be the next ISCJ Youth event?